Kim and Cocoa

Life with my pet bunny Cocoa.

Sunday, October 29, 2006


Hey everyone!

I have not posted in a while, sorry about that. I have lots to share about Cocoa! About two weeks ago I moved his cage from the living room to my bedroom. I have a pretty small bedroom as it is, so it seems even smaller now. At first I was always waking up at night to hear Cocoa playing or shredding newspaper. Now I usually just sleep through all that noise! It is a lot easier to keep his cage in my room for many reasons. First, it is quieter in there. Second, when I want to let him out, I don't have to try to pick him up. (he doesn't like that) I can just open his cage door and let him come out when he wants. And the third reason it's better for him to be in my room is because Phoebe - my roommate's cat, doesn't come in there and bother him much.

Also, last weekend Jeff bought 2 new things for Cocoa. A hay rack and an activity log. The hay rack attaches to the outside of the cage and keeps the hay neat so it doesn't get scattered everywhere.

And the activity log is from Ecotrition. It is 100% edible made from alfalfa and honey. Cocoa loves it!

Thanks for the new things Jeff! =)

Monday, October 09, 2006

shy guy

Ever since I've had Cocoa, he has seemed somewhat shy. He has definitely warmed up to me some, but he still seems shy and scared around me. He will stay in his box if I'm near his cage. He will really try to avoid being picked up. I always hoped I wasn't doing anything wrong and that it was just the way Cocoa is. He is my first bunny so there is a lot to learn I guess!

Today while reading some info on a great forum for rabbit owners- Rabbit Forum, I found some really helpful information:

One of the most common misconceptions people have about rabbits is that they like to be held and cuddled. This is probably because they look like plush toys. Unfortunately, many people buy rabbits without realizing the true nature of rabbits, and that's one of the main reason these lovely, intelligent creatures are "dumped" shortly after they reach sexual maturity and begin to assert their strong personalities.

You are distressed that the bunny does not like to be held. Consider for a moment, however, the natural history of the rabbit. This is a ground-dwelling animal that is a prey item for many predators. It is completely against the nature of the rabbit to be held far above the ground where it cannot control its own motions and activities. When you force her to be held against her will, you reinforce her instinctive notion that you are a predator who is trying to restrain her. Holding her while she struggles and kicks is not only dangerous for you and the children (You may have noticed her sharp claws by now!), but also for the rabbit.

You can read more on the forum in the resource section! It's a great place for people who own bunnies!